domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012
domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012
Caipirinha is currently the national cocktail of Brazil. Its mainingredient is Cachaça, obtained from the distillation of fermented juice of sugar cane.Such is the importance of Cachaça is the most popular alcoholic beverage in that country.
- A lemon or lime
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 1 ½ ounce of Cachaça
- 4 crushed ice cubes
- Wash the lemon or lime with hot water.
- Cut into 8 wedges and remove the white center that is responsible for the bitterness.
- Put the pieces of lemon in a short, wide glass, add 2 teaspoons of brown sugar.
- Crush with a pestle until the lime or lemon juice and extract all that absorb sugar.
- Add the Cachaça and let stand for several minutes.
- Pour the crushed ice and revuela with a spoon.
Due to the drink has become popular in most parts of the world, there are differentvariants of the same.
Caipiroska, is replaced by Cachaça Vodka.
Caipirissima, Cachaça is replaced by Ron.
sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012
With the previous posts, some doubts appeared on the terminology applied in the manufacture of beverages.... here I leave a few meanings ...
Dash: Dash to call a minimum requirement of an ingredient, usually not included in percentage. Thus, acocktail that you complete 100% of your ingredients, you can still include a "dash" of something. Despite being a small measure, it is important to give the personal touch to the drinkwe do, as in the case of Tequila Sunrise, where the final grenadine gives a very characteristic effect. Usuallycorresponds to about 1/32 of an ounce.
Splash: Is a little vague as well, made comfortable by the bartender. Thus a splash not included with the recipe, but would become a new detail to the bartender decides to add or not the cocktail.
Garnish: Call garnish with all the trimmings that you can make a cocktail, or accompanying it. In the field ofbartendería lasfamosas find colored straws, fruit, umbrellas and sticks beaters anyway. But the word garnishhas a more global sense, in food for example, is called to the profession that is dedicated just to the decorand food presentation of an artistic way.
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012
The Grog was the drink of sailors and pirates there by 1650. It was a very popular drinkmade with rum flavorings such as lemon or cloves.
The origin of "grog" is due to the British Admiral Edward Vernon, who was nicknamedOld Grog subordinates by an impermeable layer that always wore made from a material called "grogham". In 1740, Vernon issued an order which the rum (or "rum") should bediluted with water under the supervision of an officer. The sailors would enjoy two servings a day. To improve the taste these added sugar and lime, giving rise to the "grog" we know today, named after the Admiral.
- Incorporate the nails in the slice of orange.
- Put in the bottom of a glass that resists heat, sugar and rum.
- Fill with water
- Coffe Grog
1 slice of lemon.
1 shot of rum.
1 large cup of coffee.
Place in a large glass that resists heat sugar, slice of lemon and rum. Mix and pour thehot coffee. Sprinkle with brandy and ignite. Served on fire.
- Grog Brandy
1 glass of brandy.
Boiling milk.
Place in a large glass, sugar and brandy. Fill with boiling milk.
This cocktail is perfect for a tasty snack.
Although many think that the cocktail was invented by Felix Kir (1876-1968) at the end of World War II, Kir only lent his name in 1951 for an advertising campaign launched bythe company Lagoute Lejay, inventor of the crème cassis, and Kir ® brand patented in March 1952.
Born in the French Burgundy, Kir was a priest and canon in 1940, after the flight of the mayor of Dijon by the arrival of the Germans, was appointed in his place.
As mayor of the city, reported to promote the famous aperitif white wine of the region, serving in the municipal facilities.
Until then the Kir aperitif was a very popular not only in Burgundy and known as blanccassis. Subsequently created his version Kir Royal, which was made with champagneinstead of white wine and is the currently preferred.
- Cassis Liquor
- White wine
- Ice
- Nearest ice in a cup
- When cool roll the ice and water from the cup and adds a measure of liqueur Cassiscompleting the drink with cold white wine.
- You can decorate with a cherry
And to make the Kir Royal is replaced only white wine with champagne
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012
Gin Tonic
Gin Tonic is certainly one of themost popular cocktails probably due to its development and basic ingredients: Gin and Tonic Geneva or
The birth of Gin Tonic could not have been but for the German Jacob Schweppes he came up to add Quinine in soda withorange flavored bubbles, thus creating the tone. It is clear that today the tonics have been refined and we get many differentaromas and flavors.
Lemon: 1/2 slice
Tonic water
Pour Gin into a highball glass with ice and lemon slice.
Fill with tonic water.
Because of its connection with warm climates and its refreshing effects, gin and tonic is a very popular cocktail during the warmer months.
sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012
Tequila Sunrise
Tell a story that a bartender caught by her boss in the morning, waited for the dawn to show that he had prepared the cocktail, whose appearance was very similar to the colors of dawn, hence the name TequilaSunrise.
- Tequila
- Orange Juice
- Grenadine
- In a highball glass with ice, pour the measure of Tequila and Orange Juice completion.
- Pour a dash of grenadine and garnish with a slice of Orange.
- Enjoy
In 1988 the film starring Mel Gibson, Michelle Pfeiffer and Kurt Russell "Tequila Sunrise" became even more popular name.
Buck's Fizz
Buck's Fizz was invented at the Club de Buck, in London in 1921, and according to state their origin had an argument "epic" because it was the excuse to start drinking early in the day, and its name comes from theclub which was drunk by the first time.
100 ml Orange Juice
50 ml Champagne (Fill the cup)
Add ice in the glass flute, refresh the cup using the mixing spoon and rotating the ice. Remove the ice. Addorange juice (cold if possible) and fill the glass with chilled Champagne. Decorate with an orange slice.
Mimosa is a cocktail to drink at any time.
It was created in 1925 in Paris, who says he was there at the Hotel Ritz, who says there did at Harry'sNew-York Bar
As everyone agrees on is that is named after the aromatic flower, whose color is
resembles the cocktail.
Orange juice
Triple Sec
Pour the grenadine, orange juice and triple sec into a mixing glass with ice.
Stir well and strain over a large bowl.
Fill with Champagne.
Often is confused with its closest relative the Buck's Fizz.
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012
Old Fashioned
The Old Fashioned cocktail, its ingredients and its own name, is more than likely be the first cocktail of the old recipe, to have its own name. Of course there are much older cocktails, but they all change any ingredient inthe recipe, while the Old Fashioned cocktail is each and every one of them.
Who popularized the Old Fashioned was a member of the Pendennis club named James E. Pepper, an army colonel and owner of a famous bourbon distillery where the whiskey was produced the famous old 1776, was commissioned to bring the recipe for Old Fashioned to the bar of the famous Waldorf-Astoria hotel in NewYork.
Who popularized the Old Fashioned was a member of the Pendennis club named James E. Pepper, an army colonel and owner of a famous bourbon distillery where the whiskey was produced the famous old 1776, was commissioned to bring the recipe for Old Fashioned to the bar of the famous Waldorf-Astoria hotel in NewYork.
- 4 parts rye whiskey.
- rsuga
- 2 drops of bitters
- 1 hit of water or soda.
- 1 slice of orange.
- 1 lemon peel.
- Put the sugar in the bottom of a rocks glass, add bitters and water.
- Mix until sugar.
- To this syrup to paint the entire vessel.
- Add the orange slice by squeezing a little to release some juice.
- Add twoice cubes, to serve the whiskey and stir.
- Finish with a spiral of lemon (optional) and 1 maraschino cherry.
Some prefer only the spiral of lemon or without cherries or some soda but that's the final consumer taste.
I leave a soothing song named: Make It Another Old-Fashioned, please
I leave a soothing song named: Make It Another Old-Fashioned, please
This recipe is originally from Mexico, one of the qualities of Michelada is its refreshing taste, which makes it ideal for sunny days where looking for something more than the simple taste of beer.
In Mexico it is considered an excellent remedy for hangover, so it is common to take it in the morning ormidday.
Sex on the Beach
Appeared in the 80's and so called because, like music or popular movies, like much the general public,have colorful names, but it is criticized by experts.
The criticism is due to these combined do not have a particular taste, or seek harmonies of flavors. Just drink something that tastes good, but do not appreciate any talent or ability to improve or strengthen a drink,looking for a particular scent.
There are many variations around this kind of cocktails and never get to know what the original
2 oz. of vodka
3 oz. cranberry juice
3 oz. natural orange juice
½ oz. peach liqueur
1 slice of orange
1 cherry
In a glass incorporating ice and other ingredients.
Finally add the peach liqueur.
Garnish with orange and cherry.
A video to liven up the preparation of drinks!
In a glass incorporating ice and other ingredients.
Finally add the peach liqueur.
Garnish with orange and cherry.
A video to liven up the preparation of drinks!
miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012
This drink one of the most explosive!
Legend has it that the Kamikaze was first poured on an American Naval base in Japan in the late 1940s, and that the name (not unlike that of The Zombie) is meant to give you an idea of its effect. XD
Order it as an appetizer in small quantities because its alcohol content is high and just hearing his name to understand.
Legend has it that the Kamikaze was first poured on an American Naval base in Japan in the late 1940s, and that the name (not unlike that of The Zombie) is meant to give you an idea of its effect. XD
- 60% Vodka
- 30% Triple Sec
- 10% Lemon
- Pour the ingredients Into a shaker with ice cubes.
- Shake well.
- Strain to chilled cocktail glass Into.
- Garnish With The lemon wedge.
Order it as an appetizer in small quantities because its alcohol content is high and just hearing his name to understand.
You can find it in two versions: the best known with triple sec and another with blue curacao.
martes, 28 de febrero de 2012
White Russian
A sweet drink, but powerful! WHITE RUSSIAN
This drink is not a Russian tradition, it is called so because of the use of vodka as the main ingredient
1 1/2 oz kahlua
1 oz vodka
3/4 oz milk
Pour the kahlua and vodka directly into a glass filled with ice.
Pour the milk to float on the surface for presentation
As with all cocktails, there are numerous ways of preparing, varying according to the recipe and personal styleof each bartender
Without milk, the cocktail is called a black Russian.
"White Russian, no ice, no vodka ... hold the Kahlua." By Catwoman! XD
lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012
Bloody Mary
A cocktail hangover
Chillies not only are notorious in the field of food. One of the world's most popular drinks is the Bloody Mary, enlivened with Tabasco or other hot sauce based on chilli.
No sane stands who was the creator of such famous cocktail held.
One story attributes it to Fernand Petoit, an American who worked as a bartender at Harry's New York Bar in Paris in the twenties. He also claimed George Jessel and at least two bartenders Yorkers.
Whoever the creator of this wonderful drink, deserves the thanks of the devotees to the cocktail.
Lemon juice
4 ounces of tomato juice
3 ounces of vodka
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
1 or 2 dash of tabasco
Salt, pepper
Mix the ingredients in a shaker and serve in glass.
Decorate with the celery
is a delight ... and when you have a hangover .... MUCH MORE! jajajja XD
is a delight ... and when you have a hangover .... MUCH MORE! jajajja XD
If you're looking to party and lack, the Boilermaker is infallible. A very easy to drink, many do not dare to combine
The recipe is:
- 1 shot blended whiskey
- 1 mug of beer
The method of drinking varies. Some shoot the whiskey straight and use the beer as a chaser.
Others pourthe two together and drink it. A "Depth Charge" Occurs When You drop the shot glass Into the beer down theglass and drink all at once.
I recommend the last one!
I will tell the story of a man willing to forget a woman who has done nothing but torment. (That is something that often happens with this drink), but our character has the formula to combat the bitter memory of love.
He ask the bartender to bring him a beer and a shot of bourbon to drown our sorrows. Repeat and repeat and employee of the bar is surprised when he asks you to serve the third, he tells him to go reassuring because our man is drunk. Just a ray of light filters in the establishment at that time is half empty. The man says it all solitary drinkers "Do not worry." He then adds: "Just bring me one bourbon, one scotch and one beer."
Remember, never says another, it just says one. Just camaraderie prevailed. Both the solitary drinker and the bartender, just clinging to the bar as a lifeline in the long night of the world.
All this history are in "one bourbon, one scotch, one beer" by John Lee Hooker, with a delicious blues, you spreadthe urge to drink a Boilermaker
I recommend the last one!
I will tell the story of a man willing to forget a woman who has done nothing but torment. (That is something that often happens with this drink), but our character has the formula to combat the bitter memory of love.
He ask the bartender to bring him a beer and a shot of bourbon to drown our sorrows. Repeat and repeat and employee of the bar is surprised when he asks you to serve the third, he tells him to go reassuring because our man is drunk. Just a ray of light filters in the establishment at that time is half empty. The man says it all solitary drinkers "Do not worry." He then adds: "Just bring me one bourbon, one scotch and one beer."
Remember, never says another, it just says one. Just camaraderie prevailed. Both the solitary drinker and the bartender, just clinging to the bar as a lifeline in the long night of the world.
All this history are in "one bourbon, one scotch, one beer" by John Lee Hooker, with a delicious blues, you spreadthe urge to drink a Boilermaker
domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012
Rob Roy
The cocktail in honor of a Scottish hero Rob Roy!
His full name was Robert Roy McGregor the romantic eighteenth century Scotland, who,riding a horse, symbolizes the struggle of the Scottish people to survive hunger, disease andgreed of some nobles, hold high the values of honor and respect.
A hero whose love for a woman makes him overcome adversity and has come to name themost iconic cocktail made with Scotch whiskey.
This story straight out of a story, but apparently that's how they were inspired to make thiscocktail
Let's see the recipe:
- 75 ml of Scotch Whisky
- 30 ml of Sweet Vermouth
- 1 dash of bitters
- 15 ml of cherry juice
- 1 lemon peel
- Use a mixer
- Pour a cup of ice
- Then add all ingredients (except lemon peel)
- Mix and pour into a martini glass to.
- Decorate
- ENJOY!!!!
Rob Roy cocktail is very similar to Manhattan, the difference is in whiskey, in Manhattan put the bourbon and the Rob Roy used the Scotch
Another classic is the MANHATTAN
There is a theory about the beginnings of this cocktail, which features the mother of Winston Churchill created this wonderful brew club taking the name of Manhattan in New York.
Served in the classic cocktail glass adorned with a cherry
1 1/2 part bourbon Whiskey
1 part Sweet Vermouth
1 dash Orange Bitters
Pour ingredients Into a cocktail shaker and shake over ice. Strain Into a chilled martini glass and garnish With A Cherry
The Manhattan is a cocktail of American origin that can be served dry or sweet, according to the vermouth used.
Screwdriver A simple drink, but excellent
Yeah ... I know that this is a very easy and cocktail known but perhaps there are people who have taken but did not know how to call;)
So here I give you the recipe ...
You can calibrate the measures of vodka and orange as you want, and the taste will not change too much, but if your balance! jajaj
To learn a little more of this cocktail, we would know that the cold was born in Russia invented half century as a home remedy for miners in the area. The disturbingnumber of accidents in Russian mines, due to considerable state of intoxication, led to the prohibition of alcohol in them. The workers did not follow the decision andmanaged to camouflage the vodka under the innocent appearance of orange juice.The name was responding to how to disguise the drink and pass from hand to handwithout arousing suspicion.
Some people say that screwdriver is with tequila and it is called in Spanish, but is somewhat supported by experts.
Soft, vitamin and refreshing. Excellent combined.
So here I give you the recipe ...
- 1/3 Vodka
- 2/3 Orange juice
- Ice
You can calibrate the measures of vodka and orange as you want, and the taste will not change too much, but if your balance! jajaj
To learn a little more of this cocktail, we would know that the cold was born in Russia invented half century as a home remedy for miners in the area. The disturbingnumber of accidents in Russian mines, due to considerable state of intoxication, led to the prohibition of alcohol in them. The workers did not follow the decision andmanaged to camouflage the vodka under the innocent appearance of orange juice.The name was responding to how to disguise the drink and pass from hand to handwithout arousing suspicion.
Some people say that screwdriver is with tequila and it is called in Spanish, but is somewhat supported by experts.
Soft, vitamin and refreshing. Excellent combined.
sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012
Blue Lagoon
Most cocktails are attractive due to their striking colors! If this is the Blue Lagoon is a classic aperitif recognized worldwide. He pioneered drinks exotic colors.
It is said that the Blue Lagoon, was born in the sixties, in the famous franchisecocktail at Harry's New York to Paris.
Originally made with lemon juice, but now the Blue Lagoon can be found made withlemon-lime soda instead of lemon juice
This combination aims to be a crystal clear blue lake for the more thirsty, it is verygood cocktail for summer .... REFRESHING!
A good point to the lemon-lime soda, which gives it some sweetness, but does not change the final flavor as if it would make a juice. me in what I particularly like thelemon juice! the old-fashioned!
It is said that the Blue Lagoon, was born in the sixties, in the famous franchisecocktail at Harry's New York to Paris.
Originally made with lemon juice, but now the Blue Lagoon can be found made withlemon-lime soda instead of lemon juice
- 1 shot of vodka
- 1 shot Blue Curacao/Blue Tropic
- 4 shots of lemonade
- Fill a tall glass with ice.
- Add ingredients in this order: vodka, curacao, lemonade.
- Garnish with a cherry and a slice of lemon
- Enjoy
This combination aims to be a crystal clear blue lake for the more thirsty, it is verygood cocktail for summer .... REFRESHING!
A good point to the lemon-lime soda, which gives it some sweetness, but does not change the final flavor as if it would make a juice. me in what I particularly like thelemon juice! the old-fashioned!
Dry Martini
It is the most sold and sought cocktail in the world .. in fact when you say the word"cocktail" comes to your mind quickly the martini glass with olives, right?
Fame is so great that there are different stories about its origin. Some say it was a waitress in London working at the Hotel Savoy, others say it was in New York, andwho created it someone named Martini, at a party for tycoon Rockefeller, and washe himself who put named in honor of his waiter .. etc. .. there is not much truth to these stories but really we should care little who invented the martini to enjoy it as it is, as the writer Bernard de Voto U.S., "the supreme American gift to world cultur
Vermouth french
Olive / lemon peel
In a mixing glass with six pieces of ice, serving: 50 grams and 200 grams frenchvermouth gin. Stir gently with spoon long.
Serve in cocktail cup. Add a piece of lemon peel, twisted, or a manzanilla olive.
"A vodka martini, shaken, not stirred."
You remember? yes! is the classic drink of James Bond, Agent 007, this is the phrase repeated over and over again in all his films.
It should be noted that the martini, James Bond takes, is the classic (made withvodka instead of gin)
viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012
Cosmopolitan or Cosmo as you want to call it. This delicious and well-knowncocktail, is famous for Hollywood stars, one of them is Madonna, who continues todrink it wherever she goes, a few other celebrities who enjoy the drink and made a sexual icon, are the four girls (and not so young) of "Sex and the City" where apparently, combining this cocktail even hamburgers.! xD
Said to be aphrodisiac, was created in New York in the eighties
The truth is that the Cosmopolitan cocktail is very tasty, if you have not tried it I recommend you do not hesitate to order a Cosmopolitan in a bar in your city! If you want to learn to do ... FOR THAT I'M HERE! ;)
Said to be aphrodisiac, was created in New York in the eighties
The truth is that the Cosmopolitan cocktail is very tasty, if you have not tried it I recommend you do not hesitate to order a Cosmopolitan in a bar in your city! If you want to learn to do ... FOR THAT I'M HERE! ;)
1 1/2 ounce of vodka.
1/2 ounce of Cointreau.
1/2 ounce lemon juice.
1 ounce cranberry juice
1 1/2 ounce of vodka.
1/2 ounce of Cointreau.
1/2 ounce lemon juice.
1 ounce cranberry juice
- Put all ingredients into cocktail glass.
- Immediately add ice cubes and proceed to mix all the ingredients and leave to coolfor about 10 seconds preparation.
- After this time served in a glass casting.
- We can decorate with a cherry or lemon slice on the edge of the cup.
Cuba Libre
Well ... I think today will be a day dedicated to Cuba .... with its traditional rum!
I am presenting the famous Cuba Libre!
As simple as mixing the drink most famous U.S. and Cuban´s representative drink ....Coke ® and rum
The history of drinking dates back to end the war in Cuba between the U.S. and Spain, which liberated Cuba from Spanish rule, U.S. soldiers took Coke® to the island where mixed it with Ron.
It is assumed therefore that this cocktail was given the name Cuba Libre because of the recent liberation of the island from the dominion of the Spanish troops .....
We will prepare:
It's that simple! jajjaj!
I am presenting the famous Cuba Libre!
but hey! does not need great presentation, as it is one of the best-known beverage in the world!
As simple as mixing the drink most famous U.S. and Cuban´s representative drink ....Coke ® and rum
The history of drinking dates back to end the war in Cuba between the U.S. and Spain, which liberated Cuba from Spanish rule, U.S. soldiers took Coke® to the island where mixed it with Ron.
It is assumed therefore that this cocktail was given the name Cuba Libre because of the recent liberation of the island from the dominion of the Spanish troops .....
We will prepare:
- Place in a large glass two ice cubes, rum, lemon and fill with Coke ®.
It's that simple! jajjaj!
Well, we're in Cuba, know the Mojito ??
let's see it!
½ cup rum
½ cup of mineral water
1 cup crushed ice
1 sprig of mint
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Mix lemon juice, rum, sugar, crushed ice and mint.
Using a spoon mix well until sugar dissolves.
Add club soda.
Serve in small glasses and garnish with mint.
½ cup rum
½ cup of mineral water
1 cup crushed ice
1 sprig of mint
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Mix lemon juice, rum, sugar, crushed ice and mint.
Using a spoon mix well until sugar dissolves.
Add club soda.
Serve in small glasses and garnish with mint.
This cocktail in particular has several stories about its origin ...
One of these is the fact that the Mojito goes back to the sixteenth century, when pirates roamed freely through the Caribbean seas, and at this time this cocktail is known by the name "The Drake" after the English pirate Francis Drake.
Another story was invented during the U.S. Prohibition, when all those Americans who wanted to consume alcohol in a legal way, they had to go to Cuba. In the United States were used to make cocktails like the Mojito but prepared with bourbon or American whiskey, but in Cuba there was no bourbon, so they replaced it with white rum.
Others say that its true origin dates back to 1910 when a descendant of Spanish(name unknown) created the cocktail in a club of aristocrats located in La Concha beach west of Havana.
Some also think that the Mojito was invented at a restaurant in Havana called LaBodeguita del Medio, but this restaurant was popularized by Ernest Hemingway as this came every evening at this restaurant to take a couple of Mojitos because it wasone of his favorite cocktails . In fact, there is a slogan that says, "Hemingway takes its daiquiri at the Floridita, and mojito in the Bodeguita ."
As you can see there are several different stories, each with its peculiar charm. I describe to you the some of the popular stories that make you prefer and if you haveothers ask me to write! ... KISS;)
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012
When we think of the word Daiquiiri we go back to Cuba, although some people say itis American or Italian, it is said that an American was prepared for the first time,helped by an Italian ...
50 grams sugar
50 grams of white rum
150 grams of ice
50 g of lemon juice
Add the ingredients excepting the ice in a blender for 20 seconds
Place the ice and blend another 10 seconds
Serve in a glass or cup, decorate and ...
But all this was done on a beach near Santiago de Cuba ..hence its name! besides we already know that rum is a drink of Cuba authentic;)
To prepare a daikiri classic lemon should be.
(you know! in most of the cocktails there are variants)
To prepare a daikiri classic lemon should be.
(you know! in most of the cocktails there are variants)
Let's see the recipe
50 grams sugar
50 grams of white rum
150 grams of ice
50 g of lemon juice
Add the ingredients excepting the ice in a blender for 20 seconds
Place the ice and blend another 10 seconds
Serve in a glass or cup, decorate and ...
Let's go to Europe! to be more accurate to Spain and Portugal where is the Sangria
As the Spanish Royal Academy defines it: A refreshing drink that is made up of water and wine, sugar and lemon and other attachments. Yes! Sounds simple ...AND IT IS! is practically a punch
Can also be done with white wine, but their evolutionary name to "White Sangria"
Although one of the smoothest cocktails, do not take too much when the sun is very strong. Bleeding cheats, go easy and tasty and it makes you want to repeat.
Do not abuse! jajaj
PS. Do not be confused with the Zurra! This is different from the Sangria, it cantake a splash of red vermouth, brandy, triple dry or hard liquor after that recipe will show you;)
As the Spanish Royal Academy defines it: A refreshing drink that is made up of water and wine, sugar and lemon and other attachments. Yes! Sounds simple ...AND IT IS! is practically a punch
Here we go!
- 1 bottle 750 ml. red wine
- 2 oranges
- 1 apple
- 1 pear
- sugar
- cinnamon
- ice
- Peel the fruit and chop into medium pieces
- We place the chopped fruit in a glass pitcher with ice, cinnamon, sugar and red winepreviously cooled.
- Mix bleeding.
- Enjoy!
Can also be done with white wine, but their evolutionary name to "White Sangria"
Although one of the smoothest cocktails, do not take too much when the sun is very strong. Bleeding cheats, go easy and tasty and it makes you want to repeat.
Do not abuse! jajaj
PS. Do not be confused with the Zurra! This is different from the Sangria, it cantake a splash of red vermouth, brandy, triple dry or hard liquor after that recipe will show you;)
Who does not like tequila? very few, right? well, now I am showing the famous Margarita!!!
Just like the tequila, Margaret, is originally from Mexico.
There are several stories about its origin, from beautiful dancers who were musesfor drinking in Tijuana, to celebrities allergic to alcohol except tequila (but not like the taste), why it was necessary to make a special drink for them in Baja California.
The Margarita is considered an aphrodisiac drink, because it's a hot formula.
- 1/3 of tequila.
- 1/3 Triple Sec liqueur (orange liqueur).
- 1/3 of lemon juice
As prepared:
We place three cubes in a shaker with ice and sugar.
Then we add the Tequila, Triple Sec and lime juice.
Then we cover the shaker and whisk vigorously until the shaker is frost.
We serve the contents into a glass of Margarita edge sprinkled with salt.
At the end we put a slice of lemon on the edge for decoration.
As with all cocktails, in the preparation of Margarita there are variations, such asflavors and there are times in which they change color paint for food, but thosealready after the show! ;)
Pina colada
Hello my name is Caroline and this is my new blog about cocktails!!
Let's start with the most basic cocktails ... Well, the Pina Colada is one of the most famous cocktails. As many will know, is sweet, that is prepared with coconut cream,pineapple juice and rum obviously. This drink is originally from Puerto Rico. A curious fact of this drink is an old song that is famous for that emphasized the Pina Colada isby Rupert Holmes, is called "Escape" better known as "The Pina Colada Song"
Although there are several ways to do it, here I leave the original recipe. There is also the Virgin Piña Colada is the same preparation but without alcohol.
Ingredients (for eight people)

1 liter of fresh pineapple juice
250 ml coconut cream
Simply chop the ice in a blender until it is in small pieces
Pour the coconut cream, pineapple juice and rum
Blend until well mixed and form a kind of cream.
Serve drinks in glasses decorated with slices of pineapple
Also I leave the video of the video I told you!

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