jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012


Let's go to Europe! to be more accurate to Spain and Portugal where is the Sangria

As the Spanish Royal Academy defines it: A refreshing drink that is made up of water and wine, sugar and lemon and other attachments. Yes! Sounds simple ...AND IT IS! is practically a punch

Here we go!


  • 1 bottle 750 ml. red wine
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • sugar
  • cinnamon
  • ice


  1. Peel the fruit and chop into medium pieces
  2. We place the chopped fruit in a glass pitcher with ice, cinnamon, sugar and red winepreviously cooled.
  3. Mix bleeding.
  4. Enjoy!

Can also be done with white wine, but their evolutionary name to "White Sangria"

Although one of the smoothest cocktails, do not take too much when the sun is very strong. Bleeding cheats, go easy and tasty and it makes you want to repeat.

Do not abuse! jajaj

PS. Do not be confused with the Zurra! This is different from the Sangria, it cantake a splash of red vermouth, brandy, triple dry or hard liquor after that recipe will show you;)


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